Meet the Team
We Are All Crew
Talented Professionals Working Towards One Goal - Inter/Multi Planetary Living.
We Built These Cities, on Earth, Moon, Mars, and Beyond.
We realized that we can build attainable communities internationally with vertical integration and equip them with all the modern amenities for sustainability.
We intend to build model communities on Earth to exemplify solutions for the housing needs Internationally throughout the World.
Humanity continues on a path of Evolution & Space Travel is normal for us.
Phase 2 of innovation- Beyond this planet when we continue on the Moon, Mars, and Beyond is
to build communities with some of the comforts of a home.
Like when we first dreamed of this back on Earth.
Space eXploration Arch
Human Supporting Design concepts for Living in Space and Explorations
We Are All Crew
International & Multi Planetary
Development Partners
Icon Build
Phase 2 Moon Element
3d Printed Innovative Communities